Credit where credit is due!
As a soldier in the service of the Royal Netherlands Army (KL), you set the highest standards every day. Courage and bravery are not unusual for you. You continuously demand the maximum from yourself, your colleague and your equipment. And of course you also set these standards when formatting the large model, the small model or the batons of your awards and medals. And rightly so, it is not for nothing a token of appreciation for your special achievements. We at BOVOMED understand this better than anyone. Credit where credit is due!
Examples of formatting
The uniforms of the Royal Netherlands Army have evolved over the centuries to their current form. The army uniform is essential to the identity, traditions and customs of the Royal Netherlands Army (KL) and you wear it with pride. This of course also applies to all awards and medals. We have more than 14 years of experience in formatting awards and medals for soldiers and veterans of the Royal Netherlands Army (KL). Many of your colleagues have gone before you. View the photos and let yourself be convinced of the real BOVOMED quality!
Formatting of Royal Netherlands Army awards according to official guidelines
Wearing awards and medals and making them up is not optional. Special rules apply to this. We know them better than anyone. The most important rule? The most important award, medal or decoration is worn closest to your heart. Would you like to know more about the rules for making up the large model, the small model and the batons of your awards and medals? You can find them in the Order of Wearing Awards of the Chancellor of the Dutch Orders.
Would you like to have your Royal Netherlands Army (RNLA) awards, medals or batons formatted?
Would you like us to design the large model, the small model or the batons of your awards or medals of the Royal Netherlands Army (KL)? That is possible! Then fill in the order form. That way we can serve you quickly. And do you have any questions about the design of the large model, the small model or the batons of your awards or medals? Please feel free to call or email us!
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