Credit where credit is due!
The Limburg shooting clubs and the Brabant shooting guilds are full of historie, customs and traditions. In addition, the shooting club and the shooting guild are mainly about brotherhood and sporting competition in mutual matches. Special achievements are rewarded with awards, medals and guild silver. As a member of a shooting club or a shooting guild, you therefore set high standards for the formatting of the large model, the small model or the batons of your awards and medals. And rightly so, it is not for nothing a token of appreciation for your special achievements. We at BOVOMED understand this like no other. Credit where credit is due!
Examples of formatting
The uniform of your shooting club or shooting guild is something you wear with pride and is essential for the identity, traditions and customs of your shooting club or shooting guild. This of course also applies to all awards and medals. We have over 14 years of experience in formatting awards and medals for shooting clubs and shooting guilds. Many of your shooting and guild brothers have gone before you. View the photos and let yourself be convinced of the real BOVOMED quality!
Formatting according to your wishes
Wearing awards and medals and formatting them is not without obligation. Often every shooting club or shooting guild has its own special traditions for this. That requires customization. And we can offer that like no other. We adapt seamlessly to the wishes and guidelines of your shooting club or shooting guild!
Would you like to have your awards or medals from your shooting club or shooting guild formatted?
Would you like us to format the large or small model of your awards or medals of your shooting club or shooting guild? That is possible! Then fill in the order form. That way we can help you quickly. And do you have any questions about the formatting of the large or small model of your awards or medals? Please feel free to call or email us!
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